Saturday, 24 December 2011


Whoo! Happy holidays everyone!
  I don't celebrate christmas or anything, we just take this day to laze around and relax *laughs* and so I hope that more of you find this blog to share the apocolype-y dodgygoodness around :)
  But more importantly, I hope you all that read have a really good day surrounded by the people you want to be surrounded by, filled with good food, good conversation, and all that yummy jazz too ;P I wish you all much eyecandy for the following year! If the apocalypse theories are true, we only got that much time left, so I hope you enjoy your last christmas :D

On a following note, put some thought into your new years resolutions too! Make 'em good for the final year!
 I'll post mine up when I get there okay? And I might even post up my bucket list if you want :D

And a special message to those who are feeling alone even on a day that is supposed to be spent with others; I'm sending you a virtual hug - you're not alone and you will find someone who youcan trust deeply enough to feel not alone, this year is the year for stepping forward and doing what you haven't been able to previously - and I wish you strength and courage to do so :D May your dreams be as blue and endless as the sky! And remember, no dream is useless, no dream is insignificant, no dream is unworthy. Know that there is one person out there thinking of you - even if it's only a random grim billygoat *laughs*.

Check it out  - Grimm :D

Thursday, 22 December 2011

The Mayan Calendar }355{

Okay people, hey there again :D
So I’m gonna start with where the 2012 end of the world thing all came from. This blog will not be written from a religious view at all, or from a sceptical, it’s-all-bullshit way either. I reckon it could actually happen (not to mention ridiculously fun and terrifying) and I’m kinda hoping it does too! I’ve got my countdown all up there and my bucket list on my wall and up to about 30 things to do so far already – it’s gunna be my new years resolution to get it all done in the 12 months I got left :D
 Alright, basically it all started with the Mayan calendar stopping completely on a day calculated to be the 21/12/12. Now the Mayans were able to predict every solar and lunar eclipse to within seconds. EVERY. Solar and lunar eclipse.
  From the sceptic’s view, they argue that the Mayans were a primitive civilisation, and the fact that they believed that human sacrifice powered the sun means that they couldn’t be right about the end of the calendar. However, they didn’t simply ‘run out of rocks to write on’ as many people tell me when I’ve asked for their opinions. 2012, on the Mayan calendar actually marks a b’ak’tun, which is the end of a time period. In Mayan literature there is mention of world ages, and it is said we are living in the fourth world – this particular book mention the death and age of the previous (third) world after  thirteen b’ak’tuns. So apparently the fourth world, which is us, will also end when it reaches the completion of thirteen b’ak’tuns, which is the Mayan date of, or our 21/12/12
Hmm, so there is an old inscription referencing the b’ak’tun 13 – it’s been translated but it was defaced so something’s couldn’t be.
tzuhtzjo:m uy-u:xlaju:n pik
chan ajaw u:x uni:w
uhto:m il[?]
ye'ni/ye:n bolon yokte'
ta chak joyaj

It will be completed the 13th b'ak'tun.
It is 4 Ajaw 3 K'ank'in
and it will happen a 'seeing'[?].
It is the display of B'olon-Yokte'
in a great "investiture".[29]

And so yeah, B’olon-Yokte’ is a god of war, conflict and the underworld and from what I gather, he is represented in an artwork involved in a sacrifice to end all years. I’ll keep researching and updating on what I already know, but I gotta run for now :D

 Thanks all, let me know what you think about it too – if ya too shy for a comment, feel free to pm me, I don’t bite often!
  ~Grimm (355 days to go)

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

The Countdown Begins!

I know it's been a while since my last post, but with (if predictions are correct) only 365 days left until the apocolypse, I thought I'd commemorate the occasion! 
So yeah, I'll hopefully be updating this blog about a few different end-of-the-world theories and other things that catch y eye along the way :)
 If this really marks the year until the end, then I guess this is the last christmas/new year people will have ay?
Well, to that end, I wish you all a merry christmas, and a happy new year - ay you spend it with people you actually give a damn about ay :D
  I'm starting writing a list of things I want done before the 21/12/12 - and even if the world doesn't end, at least I'll have had a heck of a year xD
  Check it people - Grimm