Tuesday, 5 July 2011


I've recently been watching my elder brother play through Zelda: Ocarina of Time once again. This time we're using a walkthrough 'cause I'm addicted to playing games like that >.>

But I recently discovered something a little awkward.
I'm not terrified by zombies anymore right? I have a healthy fear, but I love zombie movies, zombie parades and of course the idea of a zombie apocalypse. I'm not scared by zombies in games or in movies.

This doesn't scare me:
But playing through Zelda we got to the Redeads. And I was terrified! These things still scare me - I remember being ten and being terrified to the point where I'd cover my eyes and block my ears until my bro would tell me it was over.
 At seventeen. Seven years later I had to sit through my brother laughing at me, cause I did the same thing!
They aren't particularly scary on their own.There's no blood, no exposed ribs, no guts or burst eyeballs. I dunno if its the way they come at you and jump on you or the noises and screams they make, but I am still terrified of them.

Also, I really don't like swimming in games. I refuse to swim in large bodies of open water. I would never swim when a Zompocalypse has happened (think Zombie Jaws, or Zombie killer whales -.-')
  But I hate it in games, ANYTHING could come at you!!!

Anyway, just thought I should share that peculiar fact I just found out about myself.
  Let me know if you have any weird phobias or something that scares you that shouldn't, or even something that wigs you out in games xD

Billy Grimm


  1. I could never get past the spider level in the playstation 2 version of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets |D
    I still jump a little at the spiders they have in runescape.

    (Harry Potter, Runescape, making a GREAT impression here)

    But also the enemies in Tomb Raider II
    It's kind of like a nostalgia fear. I wonder if there is such a thing.

    Swimming in games always annoyed me as well. You'd have to turn around all of the time, and you were never that fast (depending on the game you were playing)
    and the addition of being able to go up and down as well as left and right just doubled the frequency that I would get lost.

  2. Feet. Feet scare the daylights out of me. It's no use tellin' me that I have them and that everyone has them - I don't care. They are disgusting.

    I do of course love shoes. Strange, right?

    In any case, I am familiar with the Redeads of Zelda - it's one of my favourite games - and I'll agree that the screaming is freaking scary. And they suck the life out of you *shudders*

    At least zombies just wanted to eat your brains...
