Thursday, 30 June 2011

Grimm's Apocalypse Guide: Names

Having a name means you have a past. It means that before the Zompocalypse you had family and friends. The likelihood is that you’re probably not going to have as many as you did before the Zompocalypse if not none at all. This is sad. But if you survive, you can mourn all you want later.  Seriously – think up a name that you can be easily recognised by. If you wear glasses be creative, you have three names right there – Frames, Four-eyes or the less creative Glasses. If you’re buff, be Buff. Get the picture? Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with your looks, choose something easy to remember. That’s why I’m Grimm. Any don’t think of any stupid dramatic names like Fast Shot Undead Slayrrr. How’s that going to look on your memorial stone? Maniacal names are allowed if you really are crazy – Trigger-happy Jack might end up your best friend, but even so, try to avoid actual known names. Even if you name your self after where you used to live or where you were born. Or if you want to be helpful, how about naming yourself after your good zombie slaying characteristics? I would befriend ‘Slasher’, ‘Tactics’ and ‘Medic’ any day. And probably keep them with me afterwards. However, ‘Gucci’ and ‘Good Conversation’ might have to wait. 

This one is starting Camp NaNoWriMo tonight at midnight! it shall be an epic tale of sleepless nights a bunch of coffee and candy - 50000 words in one month wish me luck, or better yet - join me! Search for NANOWRIMO - and make an account, you can find me just look for Devil and friend me! 
See ya, and thanks for reading >3


  1. Ahh, yes, the importance of names! I can imagine they'd be just as important in a Zompocalypse - I guess that having a name like "Slasher" or "Basher" would help you create a persona, per se, who wasn't scared shitless about zombies, blood and killing. I'll have to figure one out to be ready, just in case!

    Great post - can't wait to hear more from the guide!

  2. This cracked me up so much :'D
    While also informing me of the importance of names.
    /This/ is the sort of stuff they should be teaching in schools!
    Zombie survival high school.
    (Right next to the zumba high school - ask your bro about that one :'D)

  3. Haha! I would so go to a Zombie Survival High - There is a section at Chicago University that specialised an Zombie preparation and it is very tempting >3
