Saturday, 21 July 2012

Grimm's Zompocalypse Survival Guide: Food

I am a terrible person, I'm so sorry for neglecting this blog! I really didn't think people were finding it that interesting, so I lost motivation and just stopped - *begs forgiveness*
 Anyway, if any of you are still reading or checking up to see if I have updated, I love you and you are my favourites - I'll keep doing my best, so please give me feedback!
This chapter is a little dodgy, but I hope you enjoy it xox


Food is important. But, water takes precedence over food. The most common answer you’ll get if you ask anyone how long you can survive without food or water, is ‘3 minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food’. This isn’t too bad of an estimation. However, this all depends on a number of things. First is that you have to have the will to survive. People who are ready to give up won’t last as long as someone who wants to see the Zompocalypse through. You have to try to help them find something to hold onto – finding living relatives, friends, or even as a last resort revenge, otherwise they’ll just be a drain on your food/water supplies, weapons and ammunition.
If you’re looking for your HQ based on nearby food supplies, then the mall isn’t a good idea simply because you’ll be looking for canned foodstuffs, things that don’t need electricity or water to make or keep healthy.  In a supermarket, most of the food will go off in a couple of days once the electricity goes. This means milk, cheese, frozen foods and meats. You don’t want to set up your HQ in the same place that you find the food – this means other humans will probably try to break into your ‘secure’ area, therefore making your nice safe haven pretty unsafe.
You’ll wanna be prepared food-wise, and there are a lot of different options you can take to do this. One, is to go online – by checking out some novelty online stores you can find food like canned bacon that lasts for centuries. And if you wanna eat in style, this might just be the choice for you. There is nothing like sitting in your safe-house and peeling back the lid of a can of bacon (I mean, why give up bacon just because the world is ending?) and relaxing to the harmonious sounds of undead groans. I swear, there is nothing quite like that.
  Another option is to get food that you can add water to (hot or cold). But this uses up your precious water supply and often isn’t particularly nutritious. In a world where the fittest luckiest survive, you need to keep up on iron and carbs, things that give you energy but won’t make you exhausted later (coffee/energy drinks). By all means keep a energy shot on you for if you need a quick blast, but don’t live off it. Now is also a good time to quit smoking, as badass as it might look while you’re dramatically walking through streets of the undead. Also, (lucky for you) keep chocolate and a flask of whiskey on you. Both will keep you warm if it gets really cold, and the whiskey can help disinfect injuries not the zombie induced types.

Just a quick edit on this last post - I said that alcohol will keep you warm in extremely cold weathers, (like chocolate) but on research - please don't do this!! It actually raises your blood to the surface of your skin and will kill you quicker if you are freezing to death :D Sorry!!
Grimm ~ With 152 days to go'til 21/12/2012

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