Thursday, 30 June 2011

Grimm's Apocalypse Guide: Names

Having a name means you have a past. It means that before the Zompocalypse you had family and friends. The likelihood is that you’re probably not going to have as many as you did before the Zompocalypse if not none at all. This is sad. But if you survive, you can mourn all you want later.  Seriously – think up a name that you can be easily recognised by. If you wear glasses be creative, you have three names right there – Frames, Four-eyes or the less creative Glasses. If you’re buff, be Buff. Get the picture? Even if it doesn’t have anything to do with your looks, choose something easy to remember. That’s why I’m Grimm. Any don’t think of any stupid dramatic names like Fast Shot Undead Slayrrr. How’s that going to look on your memorial stone? Maniacal names are allowed if you really are crazy – Trigger-happy Jack might end up your best friend, but even so, try to avoid actual known names. Even if you name your self after where you used to live or where you were born. Or if you want to be helpful, how about naming yourself after your good zombie slaying characteristics? I would befriend ‘Slasher’, ‘Tactics’ and ‘Medic’ any day. And probably keep them with me afterwards. However, ‘Gucci’ and ‘Good Conversation’ might have to wait. 

This one is starting Camp NaNoWriMo tonight at midnight! it shall be an epic tale of sleepless nights a bunch of coffee and candy - 50000 words in one month wish me luck, or better yet - join me! Search for NANOWRIMO - and make an account, you can find me just look for Devil and friend me! 
See ya, and thanks for reading >3

Thursday, 23 June 2011

A Date With Survival; Grimms Zombie Apolcalypse Survival Guide

Welcome to the very first post of my survival guide. Before you begin; this is just my opinion, so don't take offense. This is what I'll be doing in a zombie apocalypse. 

I'm gonna treat you all because you've had patience with me and I'll give you two sections!


Get organised before the apocalypse – There’s no use running around not knowing what you’re going to do or where you’re going to go. That’s what everyone did before they were caught and became walking chew toys. The moment you are confused and don’t think about what your next move is – that’s when you’re pretty much dead. Or undead.
But if you’re reading this, then you probably are thinking about surviving anyway – not running around like a rage zombie with its head cut off… well you know what I mean.
 So first things first you will need some sort of bag that you can take with you. I've just gone and bought one of my very own - big enough that it can hold everything I need, but can be tied tight to my body. It is water proof and tough. I'll post a section on what you should have in it next - with a picture of it because I am very proud of it xD


Okay, here’s the thing. Most people you talk to about a zombie apocalypse either thinks you’re crazy, or are super confident they’ll survive, saying that they’re not afraid. I’m sorry, but if I had a groaning mass of blood and torn intestines, broken bones and a semi-detached face stumbling towards me – I’d be pretty scared. And that’s a good thing. Fear is like chocolate. Good in small amounts (remember people, if you’re overweight you’ll be among the first to go… sorry). If you’re slightly afraid, you’ll be on your toes. You’ll hear that slight scraping noise coming from the darkness behind you. Someone who is laughing loudly at the zombie they’ve just killed probably won’t. And there goes their collarbone. You see what I mean?

  Billy Goat Grimm

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Eden Eternal Closed Beta Testing

I began playing Eden Eternal earlier this week, and actually really enjoyed the game! I didn't manage to reach level 40, but did get to 31 as a cleric  - I also found this article which really explains how I feel about being one so hopefully you will read it lol. 

I'm really looking forward to Open Beta Testing - This time I'll get to the class I want (shaman) and try really hard XD 

I was impressed by the community and found that a lot of people were willing to help out and would appreciate the help given XD 
Anyway the game is really fun, so if you want to have a go, head to the Aeria Games website, make and account and join and play for free :P 

The Zombie guide is coming soon I swear  - just got caught up in playing the game :D Anyway - I'll probably put some reviews up - of this and other games - and hopefully you can enjoy them.  I'll do some a little like the review above, so keep an eye out. 

Thanks again for reading XD 
Have a good weekend, 

Monday, 6 June 2011


Gotta hate those awkward e-mails where friends tell you about their immensely serious problems, and you have no clue what to say to them. How do you know if they actually mean it? Are they exaggerating? Does that make me a bad person if I'm critical of what people tell me? 

I also hate teachers who have a favourite and a least favourite and, as the least favourite - everything, absolutely everything is MY fault. Except when the favourite is looking our way and then all of a sudden 'it's for my own good that the class knows how I'm going in that class'! Bloody hell - it's called keep a standard!

OKAY anyway, starting next post I'll update with my zombie guide. I'm going to colour code my posts so if you are just interested in the Zombie stuff, that'll be in orange. The stuff about my average life will be in blue - so you can skip my rants if you want - or join in and rant with me :P it'll be fun. I call it rant-fest.

Friday, 3 June 2011

Eden Eternal Closed Beta

My first time playing on a closed beta test! So exciting ^^

Except, I play a few other games as well, and it sucks that at certain times I get horrible lag. It's alright early morning to about 3pm, but after that it just.... droops. 


I'm in the midst of writing a Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide, from my point fo view anyway. As I finnish each chapter or section, I'll put it up here for you to enjoy soon enough. 

Also, I think I'm going to try put up a couple of my comics, and hopefully continue writing them - I'm just slow. 

A recent conspiracy - Osama bin Laden. I really don't think he died when the news published it. Isn't it a little suspicious the timing in which they came out saying that he died? America was growing restless with Obama, and  the Australian public increasingly calls for their troops to return. However the death of Bin Laden brought more support for the military. I think either Osama has been dead for a while, or that he made a deal with the government. I think it is foolish to blindly believe that they are telling us he is dead, when , frankly NO-ONE outside the government, or government control saw the body and everyone who was close to him died at the same time. It seems too neat. Only the army saw the body and he wasn't even buried where people could see the evidence of his death, no - he was tossed out to sea where only the military saw it. Isn't it a little suspicious?
I am in no way supporting Osama Bin Laden, but I don't believe what the government is telling us. 

On my life: I'm looking forward to the weekend. Planning a lunch with friends and actually looking forward to going to work! 

On music and films: Whoo, so many good movies are coming out, but I never actually go to see any of them!! So lazy! And music, I'm really loving Kiryu at the moment so here is a link. Ruru - Kiryu